Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer | Review

Concealer is a makeup product I cannot live without. When you have the right one it will make you look more awake by hiding those under eye circles and will hide your blemishes to make your skin look more flawless than it actually is.
Normally I stick to my Collection Lasting Perfection concealer - it's cheap, it has amazing coverage, lasts a long time and conceals anything I want it to, however recently I've been finding it quite drying on my skin, so I picked up the Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer to try.

I'm not the biggest fan of the Wake Me Up foundation, purely because it clings to dry patches and has glitter particles in it, so if you're in the sun you'll end up with that Edward Cullen effect. I didn't expect the concealer to have the same sparkly bits in it, I mean why would you put glitter in a product that's supposed to hide blemishes? That'll just draw attention to them! But I was wrong, the concealer does contain the same glitter particles, so it can't be used on blemishes…annoying!
I could rant on and on about the glitter particles, but I shall just say that they're pointless, make you look kinda weird in the sunlight and the Wake Me Up products would be a lot better without them.
Sparkles aside I do like the concealer - I adore the texture, it feels light, not at all dry and blends without any problems. The coverage isn't as high as the Collection concealer but it's still good, concealing under eye circles well. Rimmel claim this has an 'anti-fatigue effect', which I suppose it does, it does make me look more awake. They also say it illumines, which is achieved by those glitter particles….I don't want a concealer/highlighter hybrid, especially for blemishes, thankyou very much.

Without concealer (left) With Concealer (right)

So, I have a definite love/hate relationship with this concealer. I love that it's so non-drying and really covers those circles you get after a not so great nights sleep, but the glitter in it ruins it for me. For the price of £5.49 you can get better.



  1. I know what you mean, i tried it on at the perfume shop and it was sparkling under the neon lights!

    I was wondering if you could check my blog and tell me your opinion :) Nikami | Beauty and Lifestyle Blog
    Have a nice day. xx

  2. I'm just the same, I picked it up when I ran out of my Bobbi Brown and to be honest I've stuck with it but it's still a love/hate relationship. I would still like to find something better. Both can be a little drying on me. Thanks for the review :)

    Yasmeen x

    1. I want to try the Bobbi Brown! So expensive though x

  3. I love the collection concealer too! It's a shame about the glitter in this one xx

    1. It is :( The collection is amazing for blemishes x

  4. I actually love the Wake Me Up foundation although I totally know what you mean about it being too glittery! But I am really tempted to try this concealer! :)

    1. Try it if you don't mind the sparkles :) x

  5. I've heard so many good things about this and it looks great on you!
    The Lipstick, The Girl and Her Wardrobe

    1. Thanks! :) I do really like it, as long as I don't go out into bright lights haha x

  6. I don't really notice the glitter in it, I love it too! Such a lovely under eye concealer

    A little bit Unique Blog/Bloglovin/Instagram/Facebook


    1. You'd definitely notice it under bright lights or strong sunlight x

  7. Everyone seems to be trying this concealer at the moment! Im still using my Garnier bb concealer but I think this will be my next option to try, lovely post :)

    H, xo

  8. I may have to try this concealer, I use the collection 2000 concealer but fancy a change so am going to give this a try. I have just come across your blog, it's brilliant :) I have been blogging for nearly a year & love reading beauty blogs, even though my blog is different and nothing to do with beauty at all. I blog about my fight with a very positive way. Keep up with the great writing and I will be following your blog :)
    Elisha x

  9. I have heard so many good reviews on this product! I have dark circles under my eyes and I sometimes find them so hard to cover up. I hope this does the trick!


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