Wednesday, 19 February 2014

My Current Skincare Wishlist

Although I adore makeup, and it's definitely the more glamourous side of beauty products, I think skincare is so important. Using the right products for your skin can make your skin look and feel so much healthier which will then result in a confidence boost, and it's definitely a case of you get what you pay for….cheap skincare is a big no no!
I always have an endless list of products I want to try, so I thought I'd share some with you.

Clarins Exfoliating Toner (£25) This is absolutely top of my wish list! I've heard many beauty bloggers and skincare expects rave about this product. It's an acidic exfoliator that you use a couple of times a week, it really helps to illuminate impurities and regenerate the skin. It's meant to be amazing for any skin type, any person, and really help with blemishes.
Origins High-Potency Night-A-Mins night cream (£34). This is the most expensive item on my wishlist, and definitely something that won't be making itself into my skincare routine anytime soon because of it, but I can dream! I find it so difficult to find great night creams that aren't for older women and aren't ridiculously expensive and as I suffer from dry skin it's very annoying! Any suggestions?
Origins Clear Improvement Charcoal Face Mask (£22) is a face mask to help unclog pores and really clear your skin from any nastiness. Charcoal is incredible for purifying the skin, and I've heard many rave reviews about this mask.
Michael Todd Blue-Green Algae Toner (£11). I used to use this toner and adored it (review here) but they've put the postage up to an insane amount and as it's an American brand it's difficult to get hold of here in the UK. But this toner is really great, it leaves the skin feeling so clean and it's hydrating too.
Merumaya Melting Cleansing Balm (£14.50). I'm running low on my current cleanser, Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish, and I want to try something new. This is the same price as the C&P but it's supposed to be better. Caroline Hirons and Ruth Crilly both recommended this and I trust them on skincare advice! It's not the cheapest cleanser around but it's definitely not expensive, think of the Emma Hardie cleansing balm…£34!.
The Body Shop Facial Massager (£6). The only tool in my wish list and again recommended by Caroline Hirons. This is a tool you gentle roll over your face, it helps products sink in better and improves circulation. It's meant to good for helping clear up hormonal acne too, which I can get around my jawline. This is a must buy for me!
Lastly, Hydraluron (£24.99). This is a serum you apply post-toner and pre-moisturiser, and the basic idea of it is it increases hydration in the skin. It has ingredients in it that will help your moisturiser really sink in deeper - namely Hyaluronic Acid that has the ability to hold 1000 times it's weight in water! As I said earlier my skin is dry, so I need this! I'd also love to try their Hyrdaluron Boosting Masks (£19.99) - these are moisturising face masks that help your skin to feel healthier, look plumper and more glowing. They've been raved about a lot!

I could go on and on with lots more amazing skincare products, but those are top of my wish list!
Have you tried any of the products mentioned?



  1. Get the Origins Clear Improvement mask, you wont regret it, it's amazing x

    1. I definitely intend to at some point :) x

  2. Clarin exfoliating toner is in my wishlist too.

  3. I've nominated you for the Liebster award :) x

  4. Nice list. I would love to try the Hydraluron Boosting Masks everyone is talking about myself, though. Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.

  5. Nice list :) I know that skin care is important but I never cant find the right products so these types of posts are great for me :)


  6. I have been getting more and more into skincare lately. I used to always find it quite boring because it's not 'visibe'. A red lipstick is quite obvious but skincare.. No one sees. But taking good care of your skin is actually one of the most important parts of your routine.

  7. Love originals products!
    Great post!


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