Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Beauty Bloggers Tag!

I've seen a few bloggers doing this 'Beauty Bloggers Tag' and always find reading them very interesting, so I thought I'd do it myself! I hope you enjoy this sort of post.

Why did you start blogging and how long have you been blogger for?
I started blogging about a year ago, but started putting posts up regularly about 5 months ago. I started blogging for a few reasons - I had been reading beauty blogs for a while and was inspired by other bloggers to start, I was really starting to get into makeup, skincare, etc and wanted a way of sharing my experiences with everyone and getting to know other bloggers who had the same interests as me!

Who's blog did you fall in love with first?
Honestly? I can't remember. I'd say Zoella's was probably the first I found and read every single post, but Anna from Vivianna Does Makeup and Hannah from A Little Beauty Spot (who's new blog is here) were two of the others I remember reading at the beginning of discovering the beauty blogging world!

What was the first blogosphere hyped about product that you bought?
Was it worth the hype?
That would be Nars Luguna bronzer! Every blogger these is seems to adore this product, and I was so intrigued so I bought it and yes, it's definitely worth the hype. I love it and use it all the time! 

What are you five favourite things about blogging and being a beauty blogger?
1. Having my own little space on the internet to share my thoughts and views on different products.
2. Other bloggers! I love discovering new blogs, reading reviews, favourites, wish lists, etc (I could spend hours going through Bloglovin' looking at the new posts from that day), and getting to know people. I've actually made a good few friends from doing this!
3. Discovering products. I find that unless you read beauty blogs really amazing products can pass you by! I'm also someone who does research before I buy anything, so finding out how people got on with things is great before I go out and buy it myself.
4. The creative side. I feel like since I left school I don't do anything creative, but having this blog enables me to take photographs, decide how to lay things out and also experiment with different products, which I find a great way be creative. 
5. Comments! I love getting comments on my blog posts from all of you, it really makes my day.

What have you learnt from being a beauty blogger?
When I first started blogging I didn't realise that writing blog posts can be quite hard work, a lot of thought goes into every part of a post and also design and layout of the website itself. I learnt never to compare yourself to other bloggers…if I did that I'd feel like a failure, because I don't have the largest amount of followers, but that doesn't matter! It's all about enjoying what you do.

What have you changed since becoming a beauty blogger?
Makeup storage…I've got a lot more makeup now, so I had to invest in some proper storage. I've also changed the way I do my makeup - I've picked up a lot of tips and tricks along the way.

What advice would you give to a beauty blogger starting out?
Don't do this just to get free products! That won't happen straight away, if ever, and you need to put a lot of work in before so. Also, if you don't have a passion for what you're doing it will come across in the posts. Don't write unless you really want to - again, it comes across in the posts, I've read a lot of blogposts that lack so much because the blogger obviously 'couldn't be bothered' on that day. Make good use of social media - twitter, Facebook, instagram, etc - it will really help your blog to grow.

What are your top 5 makeup brands?
This is no particular order!  MAC - I think I had to say that, it's surely in every beauty bloggers top 5, I just wish they were a tad cheaper. Rimmel - I think they're the best high street makeup brand, they do great and affordable foundations, lipsticks (especially the Kate Moss range), blushes, eyeshadows, eyeliners (the best), concealer, etc. Revlon - mainly for their lip products. Nars - ohhh their packaging and pigmentation makes me adore them. Soap & Glory - I haven't tried many things from their makeup range yet, but what I have tried, swatched and looked at has been amazing quality.

Recommend your top 5 beauty products
(reviews linked)
Kate Moss for Rimmel Lipsticks - I think these are the best highstreet/drugstore lipsticks out there, the price is so affordable, the colour range is fantastic, the lasting power is long, the packaging is great and the feel and finish is up there with the high end brands.
Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate - A night time oil that you apply post toner and pre moisturiser, it adds moisture to the skin, doesn't break me out, and helps fight against imperfections.
Collection's Lasting Perfection concealer - beauty blogger favourite and lives up to the hype - high coverage, non-drying, cheap and lasts all day.
MAC Mineralize Skinfish in Soft & Gentle - the most beautiful highlighter there is. 
Sleek Contour/Face Form Palette -  the contour palette consists of bronzer and highlighter, and the face form has a blush included as well. All highly pigmented, well packaged, and very affordable. A really great product if you're just getting into makeup. 



  1. I really like these kinds of post they give a nice insight!

  2. Nars Laguna bronzer was one of my first blogger influenced purchases too :) this is a great tag! x

  3. What a lovely tag, totally agree with you about how much make up you end up having!

  4. I love this tag, blogging is such a fun way to meet people and find out about things and trends especially if you're wanting to invest your money into something then bloggers definitely help and also it's just such a fun community to be involved in :D x

  5. loved reading this.. :) x


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