Tuesday, 11 February 2014

MAC Stereo Rose - Re-release!

MAC, as they so often do, are re-releasing one of their most popular limited edition products into a new limited edition collection, and it's the much talked about Mineralize Skinfinish in Stereo Rose.

If you've been an avid beauty blog follower for a while you'll have no doubt heard about this product before. It was first released years ago, then re-released last year, and will again be rereleased this year into the forthcoming Fantasy Of Flowers collection - which will be available 6th March (write it in your diary).

Stereo Rose is a gorgeous coral blush, with hints of pink and golden shimmer running through it - much like Nars Orgasm blush, and there are many other dupes out there. The shade itself looks very much like it would suit and compliment any skin tone. The golden shimmer running through will help highlight, so if you're in a rush there's no need to do both, and the colour will really help warm up your complexion.
Mineralize Skinfinishe's are really soft powders with a metallic finish to them, they're great for giving a healthy glow and a gorgeous sheen to the skin.

Stereo Rose will be ready for you to buy on 6th March this year, priced at £22.
Be quick, this will undoubtably sell out fast!



  1. Got this in my calendar! Lovely post!


  2. Everyone raves about Stereo Rose, I'll definitely be adding this to my to buy list! Thanks for the heads up x


  3. the colour is amazing❤️

  4. Looks like a gorgeous colour! It must be mine! x

    The Beauty Scrapbook

  5. Im making my way down to my nearest MAC shop this weekend! But will have to pick this up quickly in march!


  6. Such a lovely blushy color, must have it!

    xo Mélane
    Selfhelp | Inspiration | Motivation

  7. This looks gorgeous! Though I'm always afraid of MSF to be too shimmery...

    9 out of ten | find and follow me on bloglovin

  8. If it is so popular why do MAC keep discontinuing it? It looks super pretty and I'm going to have to check it out! Xx


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