Friday, 13 June 2014

Summer Holiday Reads

Long time no speak, I know. I'm sorry! There are a few reasons why I've been very inactive in the blogging world recently, but I won't bore you with them, just know that I'm back and very happy about it.

As we're now in a Summer month and I'm sure a lot of you are going away on holiday soon I thought I'd do a bit of a different post, but one that's been requested quite a lot.
I love a good 'chick-lit', an easy read, a book that I can relate too, that'll make me laugh and warm my heart on holiday - in my opinion they're the best to read whilst laying by the pool or at the beach. I've read quite a few over the years, so I thought I'd share some of my favourites so you can go and grab them before you jet off to somewhere hot.

1. Remember Me? By Sophie Kinsella. If you haven't read any of Sophie's books you're seriously missing out, they're my absolute favourite. Her style of writing is brilliant, very witty, funny, clever and easy to digest. Remember Me? is probably my favourite of hers, it's about a woman called Lexi who wakes up in a hospital, thinking she's 25 with crooked teeth, bad hair and a disastrous love life. But actually it's 3 years later than she thought - she's 28 years old, got an amazing figure, great teeth, a brilliant job and she's married to a millionaire. The story is about her getting to know her life again after her accident, and realising it's not as perfect as it first seemed.
It's very funny, interesting, the character's are easy to relate to and you really get to know them. You become very invested in the story and it's definitely one I couldn't put down.

2. The Wish List by Jane Costello. This is a book I only read recently, and it was the first book of Jane's I've read…I adore it. The Wish List is about a woman called Emma who's only got 6 months left of her 20's - she finds a list her and her friends wrote when they were 15 years old of things they wanted to achieve before they were 30. Emma realises she's hardly done any of them, so she sets out to achieve them all before she hits the big 3 0. She wants to sleep under the stars, jump out of a plane, see the northern lights, snog someone famous, and even find the man she's going to marry. Her mission to complete the list is trickier than she thought! This book actually made me laugh out loud, it made me go 'awww' and it made me cringe of embarrassment for Emma. I can't wait to read more Jane Costello books!

3. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. This book is definitely a heavier read, but it's utterly brilliant. The story is of Lou Clark, a young woman who's been stuck living in her little town, she was working in a local tea shop, living at home with her parents, wears quite out there clothes, and has a boyfriend she's not sure if she loves. But one day she loses her job, which sees her having to apply to be the care assistant for Will Traynor. Will is young man who had everything to live for - the great job, beautiful girlfriend, adventurous lifestyle, before he was involved in a motorbike accident which took away his desire to live. Lou bursts into Will's life and they both change each other forever.
This book is heartbreaking, emotional, beautiful, funny, compelling and really is one you won't be able to put down - you'll be too interested in what happens next.

4. Billy & Me by Giovanna Fletcher. This was a much anticipated book for me, as I love reading Giovanna's blog and her tumblr posts. If any of you don't know she is married to Tom Fletcher from McFly, and she's a very lovely and talented lady. Billy & Me is her debut novel and it's about a girl called Sophie May who has a secret, which has made her give up all her dreams of travelling, going to university and living the life she would have liked to stay in her tiny village, working in the local teashop and living at home with her mum. One day a film crew come to the village, which causes a lot of hysteria, and Sophie meets the gorgeous Billy - a famous actor with high ambitions. They fall in love and Sophie is taken out of her comfort zone and into a world of glamour, showbiz and ruthlessness. Can Sophie handle being in the spotlight and the constant scrutiny that comes with being with Billy Buskin?
I feel like this book could appeal to so many people, it's romantic, funny, charming, heartwarming, heartbreaking, intriguing and has an emotional twist. It's also very honest, real and believable. I love it and I can't wait to read Giovanna's second book on my holiday next month!

There you go, 3 must-reads for this Summer! 
What's your favourite book?



  1. I love the Sophie Kinsella books and the Giovanna Fletcher book is definitely a must read! Xx


  2. Loved this blogpost! All those books sound really intriguing! I’ve just added them to my Amazon wishlist. I’m reading All the Single Ladies by Jane Costello at the mo. Not finished it quite yet but its fab so far! :-) xx

    Helen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog

  3. I always read sooo much over Summer so I'll definitely have to give these a look :)

    Eleanor -


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