Friday, 31 January 2014

Tanya Burr - Lips and Nails

Tanya Burr - beauty blogger and YouTube star has just released a line of lip glosses and nail varnishes with eye CANDY. I for one am very excited about this!
As Tanya trained to be a makeup artist, specialises in the beauty business and knows all there is to know about makeup products I have faith that her products, in particular the lip glosses, will be amazing. I know Tanya has been working on this line for ages and I'm certain she wouldn't have released the products unless she was more than happy with them, so I'm expecting high quality glosses and varnishes from her line!

Let's start with the glosses - there are 12 in the line, with a beautiful selection of colours from bright red to pink to more natural shades. Six have shimmer in them and six do not, which I'm thankful for as I'm not a fan of shimmery glosses. They're being priced at £6.99 - a very reasonable price. I can't wait to try some out, Afternoon Tea, Chic and Lets Travel The World are top of my wish list (I know, I know, the names are too cute).

(photo via @TanyaBurr on twitter)

There are 10 shades in the nail varnish range, there are some gorgeous pastel colours in there that would be perfect for spring and some darker shades too. These are priced at £5.99.
The colours that catch my eye are Little Duck - a gorgeous pastel green, Riding Hood - a dark vampey red and New York Night - a dark brown. Again, how amazing are the names? I love how Tanya has given them proper names, I think it really adds to the product.

The packaging for both the lip glosses and the nail varnishes are gorgeous, simple but classy and pretty. I normally don't like it when there's a signature written across a product packaging butt Tanya's is super pretty, with a little heart, I adore it.
Tanya Burr's products are available to buy NOW at Feel Unique and they'll be available from other beauty websites and on the highstreet soon!

I can' wait to try Tanya's new products, especially the lip glosses!
What product have you got your eye on?


  1. I'm really excited about this range too!! I'm not really a lip gloss person, but I'll definitely try the nail varnishes out! I think Little Duck is the one I most want to try too! xx

    Sarah | Squares - Bookworm and Beauty Enthusiast

    1. It's such a lovely colour isn't it! Great for Spring x

  2. The lip glosses look amazing! Although I would liked some dark colours in the line - for the autumn and winter time.
    And that green-minty nail varnish looks pretty awesome too :)

    From Making Things Alive

    1. Yeah me too…there's always next Autumn I suppose! The lighter ones are super pretty too x

  3. Not into lip glosses all that much but am going to have to get my hands on some of this line to support her nonetheless!

    sjmcdf xo

  4. I ordered mine last night! Can't wait for them to arrive :D
    Bea x
    Bea's Beauty Blog

  5. I'm so happy for Tanya! The range looks really nice, I'd love to try out a lipgloss. All of the names she came up with too are adorable.

    Kathryn | effievanity

  6. im so so excited to try her nail polishes!ive ordered some but they have been delayed so hopefully they will come soon!i agree, i don't think tanya would have let her products be released unless they were really good:)xx


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