Monday, 20 January 2014

Explaining My Absence And A Little Catch Up

Remember me? It's been a while!

You have or may not have noticed my absence over the last month, but I definitely have missed this site, the people that comment on my posts, and reading everyone else's posts.
The reason why I've been away is that my internet broke (hurrah…). Just before Christmas everything just went wrong at my house, first the Sky box broke so we had no TV over the Christmas period, then our telephone line went, which of course meant the internet went as well. Definitely not an ideal situation, although it did mean I got round to reading a lot of books, which was a joy!
All is okay now… internet has just been fixed, it's still rather slow but it's useable and we'll be getting a new provider very soon which I'm thankful for.

So, what have I missed? I know I've missed all the Christmas posts which I'm gutted about, and sad I didn't get to write mine as well, I was looking forward to it. But all the beauty related things I got for Christmas will be making their way onto my blog in some way I'm sure…whether it's in review form, favourites or 'What's On My Face' form, they'll be here.

As from tomorrow I'm back with beauty posts, but for todays I thought I'd just fill you in on what happened and share with you some of my photos from the last month.
The end of December was filled with DVD watching, reading, eating lots and family time. I love Christmas a lot, it was a busy one this year but I enjoyed it, if I'm honest I still feel like it's Christmas now, I don't want to let go! January has been good so far as well, I went up to London to meet my friend Suzanne who lives in Canada. It was so lovely to see her, we walked around London all day, showed her the sights and took a little trip to Winter Wonderland. 
It was also one of my best friends birthday's the other day so we had a really good night out celebrating that with her…I even wore a dress, shock horror (picture proof below).

I'll leave you with the pictures that sum up my last month..

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas
and New Year



  1. Very happy I've stumbled across your lovely blog-welcome back! It's a shame you missed out on Christmas posts but I can't wait to read your posts to come! P.s you look gorgeous- love the dress! L xo

  2. Sophie Kinsella is one of my favourite authors :) that book is on my list to read this year!
    Bea x
    Bea's Beauty Blog

  3. I love your dress in the last couple of pictures, It's really nice, where's it from? xxx

  4. Hello! I love your blog and your posts are so so good! I'm a new blogger and would love it if you could check out my blog and maybe follow it? :) x

  5. Lovely photos x

  6. Hey beautiful girl ,you have a such lovely blog!!!
    No matter what you're sharing, it's always better if you have people to share it with.
    I am a new hand in blog,shall we follow each other and share beauties to each
    Hope to be your friend soon Pls post more!
    I love comment and browse blogs I followed!
    It would be a pleasure to keep in touch.
    may be you can check my blog and sharing everything:

    if u follow me,just let me know and I will follow back soon
    waiting for you,dear

  7. Stumbled across your blog recently and I'm glad I did. Your dress is gorgeous! I've just got back into blogging myself can you please check out my blog and let me know what you think?xx


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