Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Hello Autumn

The sparkling dew on the grass in the morning.
The bright sun that shines light onto the newly orange trees that always reminds me of a fiery blaze.
The fresh, cold, crisp air that feels like ice when it hits you but there's something so nice about it.
The leaves that have shed onto the ground all ready for you to run through in your wellington boots.
The excitement of seeing the first conker of the year, alongside the acorns of course.
The sight of the wind blowing through the trees.
The wooly jumpers, knitted scarves, warm coats & chunky boots.
The smell of bonfires in the air.
The delight in taking your dogs for a walk in the woods & seeing them jumping through the leaves with glee.
The comfort foods; warm vegetable soup, a Sunday roast, rhubarb crumble & pie.
The Autumnal candles - that smell of spice, orange & warmth is so comforting.
The lighting of the fire in the living room, seeing the flames flicker & hearing the occasional crackle.
The need to dig out the fluffy socks & onesie.
The realisation that it's not long until Christmas.
The new TV dramas & programmes that you know you'll become addicted to.
The bliss of snuggling up on the sofa under a blanket with a new book.
The joy of coming in from a long day into a warm house & making yourself a tea or hot chocolate.
The new bath products at Lush - wanting to try them all out, & why not? Autumn is the time for baths!
The soothing sound of rain splattering against your window as you lay in bed.

What's your favourite thing about Autumn?


1 comment

  1. Crunchy leaves and big woolly jumpers are my favourite. And any excuse for a lovely warm drink! x


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