Thursday, 11 September 2014

Balance Me Moisture Rich Face Cream AND Upcoming Beauty Events

Balance Me is a brand I hadn't tried until recently, but it's a brand I'd heard a lot about and was very excited to try. What really stands out to me is how great their ethos and aim behind the brand; Balance Me uses naturally active botanicals, hi-tech natural formulations and pure grade essential oils to deliver a skincare range that both has aromatherapy inspired aromas and beautiful textures that can be used across all skin types. Their philosophy is 'beauty that works naturally', and they want to restore balance in the skin. Pretty great huh?!

I tried their Moisture Rich Face Cream* (£15), which is targeting at normal to dry/sensitive skin - great for me, as my skin does get quite dry and is definitely sensitive.
My first impression of this product was a bit disheartening, the smell is really rather strong of roses. I tend to stay clear off scented products because they don't normally agree with me skin, and I find them a bit odd when they're very strong and linger. However, if you're into nicely scented face creams I'm sure you'd love it, and if not (like me) it isn't really a big deal.
The cream itself does feel rich, but it isn't at all heavy which I really liked. The texture is very smooth, silky and works into the skin really well. I do find that after applied it made my face feel quite stiff and tight, but that does go away after a little while…it is a bit annoying though.
Now, the big question, have I noticed a change in my skin since using this face cream? Yes, I have. Nothing ground-breaking, but my skin has felt soft, it's looked plumper and the moisturising claims are correct.
So, I was impressed with this moisturiser…I'm not sure it's going to be a holy-grail product for me, but I do like it and would recommend it. I'm excited to try more Balance Me products!

If you're a Balance Me fan, or would like to know more about the brand then this may interest you.
Balance Me are teaming up with Marie Claire and Debenhams to host 4 in-store events this September and October. Discover personalised skin, body and haircare, and refresh your beauty regime with 15% discount off Balance Me products. You can also talk to skincare experts about your individual needs or skin concerns, as well as getting a personal skin-reading session with Balance Me's mobile skin scanner. They'll be a free-prize draw for the chance to win a Balance Me hamper worth £150, AND you can chat with the members of the Marie Claire team for top beauty tips.
Tickets are £10, this includes a goodie bag worth £75!

All the information here!

30th September - Oxford Street
2nd October - Cardiff
8th October - Chester

Have fun!



  1. That sounds good, but I have combination-oily skin so it may not work for me! Definitely interested in the rest of their range though.

    x Sneha |

    1. Yeah it probably wouldn't suit your skin type, definitely have a look at their other products though :) x

  2. I've been looking for a face cream just like this! Definitely going to pick this up.

    Beth | BeautyBubbles♡

  3. I've heard loads about Balance Me recently, I really need to try the brand out :)
    emmerliejay x

    1. You should! I think they're really great x

  4. I've never tried balance me products before, I guess I should give it a go!x

    GIVEAWAY | The little things in life

    1. Do it! They have some great sounding products x

  5. I tried this and thought it was quite nice! Lovely for every day. x
    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog


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